united states code
10 USC 1071 - Purpose of this chapter
10 USC 1072 - Definitions
10 USC 1073 - Administration of this chapter
10 USC 1073a - Contracts for health care: best value contracting
10 USC 1073b - Recurring reports
10 USC 1074 - Medical and dental care for members and certain former members
10 USC 1074a - Medical and dental care: members on duty other than active duty for a period of more than 30 days
10 USC 1074b - Medical and dental care: Academy cadets and midshipmen; members of, and designated applicants for membership in, Senior ROTC
10 USC 1074c - Medical care: authority to provide a wig
10 USC 1074d - Certain primary and preventive health care services
10 USC 1074e - Medical care: certain Reserves who served in Southwest Asia during the Persian Gulf Conflict
10 USC 1074f - Medical tracking system for members deployed overseas
10 USC 1074g - Pharmacy benefits program
10 USC 1074h - Medical and dental care: medal of honor recipients; dependents
10 USC 1074i - Reimbursement for certain travel expenses
10 USC 1074j - Sub-acute care program
10 USC 1074k - Long-term care insurance
10 USC 1074l - Notification to Congress of hospitalization of combat wounded members
10 USC 1075 - Repealed. Pub. L. 108375, div. A, title VI, 607(a)(1), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 1946]
10 USC 1076 - Medical and dental care for dependents: general rule
10 USC 1076a - TRICARE dental program
10 USC 1076b - Repealed. Pub. L. 109364, div. A, title VII, 706(d), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2282]
10 USC 1076c - Dental insurance plan: certain retirees and their surviving spouses and other dependents
10 USC 1076d - TRICARE program: TRICARE standard1 coverage for members of the Selected Reserve
10 USC 1077 - Medical care for dependents: authorized care in facilities of uniformed services
10 USC 1078 - Medical and dental care for dependents: charges
10 USC 1078a - Continued health benefits coverage
10 USC 1079 - Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: plans
10 USC 1079a - CHAMPUS: treatment of refunds and other amounts collected
10 USC 1079b - Procedures for charging fees for care provided to civilians; retention and use of fees collected
10 USC 1080 - Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: election of facilities
10 USC 1081 - Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: review and adjustment of payments
10 USC 1082 - Contracts for health care: advisory committees
10 USC 1083 - Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: additional hospitalization
10 USC 1084 - Determinations of dependency
10 USC 1085 - Medical and dental care from another executive department: reimbursement
10 USC 1086 - Contracts for health benefits for certain members, former members, and their dependents
10 USC 1086a - Certain former spouses: extension of period of eligibility for health benefits
10 USC 1086b - Prohibition against requiring retired members to receive health care solely through the Department of Defense
10 USC 1087 - Programing facilities for certain members, former members, and their dependents in construction projects of the uniformed services
10 USC 1088 - Air evacuation patients: furnished subsistence
10 USC 1089 - Defense of certain suits arising out of medical malpractice
10 USC 1090 - Identifying and treating drug and alcohol dependence
10 USC 1091 - Personal services contracts
10 USC 1092 - Studies and demonstration projects relating to delivery of health and medical care
10 USC 1092a - Persons entering the armed forces: baseline health data
10 USC 1093 - Performance of abortions: restrictions
10 USC 1094 - Licensure requirement for health-care professionals
10 USC 1094a - Continuing medical education requirements: system for monitoring physician compliance
10 USC 1095 - Health care services incurred on behalf of covered beneficiaries: collection from third-party payers
10 USC 1095a - Medical care: members held as captives and their dependents
10 USC 1095b - TRICARE program: contractor payment of certain claims
10 USC 1095c - TRICARE program: facilitation of processing of claims
10 USC 1095d - TRICARE program: waiver of certain deductibles
10 USC 1095e - TRICARE program: beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinators
10 USC 1095f - TRICARE program: referrals for specialty health care
10 USC 1096 - Military-civilian health services partnership program
10 USC 1097 - Contracts for medical care for retirees, dependents, and survivors: alternative delivery of health care
10 USC 1097a - TRICARE Prime: automatic enrollments; payment options
10 USC 1097b - TRICARE program: financial management
10 USC 1097c - TRICARE program: relationship with employer-sponsored group health plans
10 USC 1098 - Incentives for participation in cost-effective health care plans
10 USC 1099 - Health care enrollment system
10 USC 1100 - Defense Health Program Account
10 USC 1101 - Resource allocation methods: capitation or diagnosis-related groups
10 USC 1102 - Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records: qualified immunity for participants
10 USC 1103 - Contracts for medical and dental care: State and local preemption
10 USC 1104 - Sharing of health-care resources with the Department of Veterans Affairs
10 USC 1105 - Specialized treatment facility program
10 USC 1106 - Submittal of claims: standard form; time limits
10 USC 1107 - Notice of use of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use
10 USC 1107a - Emergency use products
10 USC 1108 - Health care coverage through Federal Employees Health Benefits program: demonstration project
10 USC 1109 - Organ and tissue donor program
10 USC 1110 - Anthrax vaccine immunization program; procedures for exemptions and monitoring reactions
‹ 10 USC 1065 - Renumbered 1063]
10 USC 1071 - Purpose of this chapter ›
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