Part A - Drugs and Devices
united states code
Part A - Drugs and Devices
21 USC 351 - Adulterated drugs and devices
21 USC 352 - Misbranded drugs and devices
21 USC 353 - Exemptions and consideration for certain drugs, devices, and biological products
21 USC 353a - Pharmacy compounding
21 USC 353b - Prereview of television advertisements
21 USC 354 - Veterinary feed directive drugs
21 USC 355 - New drugs
21 USC 3551 - Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies
21 USC 355a - Pediatric studies of drugs
21 USC 355b - Adverse-event reporting
21 USC 355c - Research into pediatric uses for drugs and biological products
21 USC 355d - Internal committee for review of pediatric plans, assessments, deferrals, and waivers
21 USC 355e - Pharmaceutical security
21 USC 356 - Fast track products
21 USC 3561 - Accelerated approval of priority countermeasures
21 USC 356a - Manufacturing changes
21 USC 356b - Reports of postmarketing studies
21 USC 356c - Discontinuance of life saving product
21 USC 357 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105115, title I, 125(b)(1), Nov. 21, 1997, 111 Stat. 2325
21 USC 358 - Authority to designate official names
21 USC 359 - Nonapplicability of subchapter to cosmetics
21 USC 360 - Registration of producers of drugs or devices
21 USC 360a - Clinical trial guidance for antibiotic drugs
21 USC 360b - New animal drugs
21 USC 360c - Classification of devices intended for human use
21 USC 360d - Performance standards
21 USC 360e - Premarket approval
21 USC 360e1 - Pediatric uses of devices
21 USC 360f - Banned devices
21 USC 360g - Judicial review
21 USC 360h - Notification and other remedies
21 USC 360i - Records and reports on devices
21 USC 360j - General provisions respecting control of devices intended for human use
21 USC 360k - State and local requirements respecting devices
21 USC 360l - Postmarket surveillance
21 USC 360m - Accredited persons
21 USC 360n - Priority review to encourage treatments for tropical diseases
21 USC 351 - Adulterated drugs and devices ›
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