subpart 2 - prescription drug plans; pdp sponsors; financing
united states code
subpart 2 - prescription drug plans; pdp sponsors; financing
42 USC 1395w111 - PDP regions; submission of bids; plan approval
42 USC 1395w112 - Requirements for and contracts with prescription drug plan (PDP) sponsors
42 USC 1395w113 - Premiums; late enrollment penalty
42 USC 1395w114 - Premium and cost-sharing subsidies for low-income individuals
42 USC 1395w115 - Subsidies for part D eligible individuals for qualified prescription drug coverage
42 USC 1395w116 - Medicare Prescription Drug Account in the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund
‹ 42 USC 1395w104 - Beneficiary protections for qualified prescription drug coverage
42 USC 1395w111 - PDP regions; submission of bids; plan approval ›
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