(a) USGS program The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the United States Geological Survey, and in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall establish a cooperative Government-private sector program with respect to hot dry rock geothermal energy resources on public lands (as such term is defined in section
1702 (e) of title
43) and lands managed by the Department of Agriculture, other than any such public or other lands that are withdrawn from geothermal leasing. Such program shall include, but shall not be limited to, activities to identify, select, and classify those areas throughout the United States that have a high potential for hot dry rock geothermal energy production and activities to develop and disseminate information regarding the utilization of such areas for hot dry rock energy production. Such information may include information regarding field test processes and techniques for assuring that hot dry rock geothermal energy development projects are developed in an economically feasible manner without adverse environmental consequences. Utilizing the information developed by the Secretary, together with information developed in connection with other related programs carried out by other Federal agencies, the Secretary, acting through the United States Geological Survey, may also enter into contracts and cooperative agreements with any public or private entity to provide assistance to any such entity to enable such entity to carry out additional projects with respect to the utilization of hot dry rock geothermal energy resources which will further the purposes of this section.