united states code
30 USC 21 - Mineral lands reserved
30 USC 21a - National mining and minerals policy; minerals defined; execution of policy under other authorized programs
30 USC 22 - Lands open to purchase by citizens
30 USC 23 - Length of claims on veins or lodes
30 USC 24 - Proof of citizenship
30 USC 25 - Affidavit of citizenship
30 USC 26 - Locators rights of possession and enjoyment
30 USC 27 - Mining tunnels; right to possession of veins on line with; abandonment of right
30 USC 28 - Mining district regulations by miners: location, recordation, and amount of work; marking of location on ground; records; annual labor or improvements on claims pending issue of patent; co-owners succession in interest upon delinquency in cont
30 USC 281 - Inclusion of certain surveys in labor requirements of mining claims; conditions and restrictions
30 USC 282 - Definitions
30 USC 28a - Omitted
30 USC 28b - Annual assessment work on mining claims; temporary deferment; conditions
30 USC 28c - Length and termination of deferment
30 USC 28d - Performance of deferred work
30 USC 28e - Recordation of deferment
30 USC 28f - Fee
30 USC 28g - Location fee
30 USC 28h - Co-ownership
30 USC 28i - Failure to pay
30 USC 28j - Other requirements
30 USC 28k - Regulations
30 USC 29 - Patents; procurement procedure; filing: application under oath, plat and field notes, notices, and affidavits; posting plat and notice on claim; publication and posting notice in office; certificate; adverse claims; payment per acre; objection
30 USC 30 - Adverse claims; oath of claimants; requisites; waiver; stay of land office proceedings; judicial determination of right of possession; successful claimants filing of judgment roll, certificate of labor, and description of claim in land office,
30 USC 31 - Oath: agent or attorney in fact, beyond district of claim
30 USC 32 - Findings by jury; costs
30 USC 33 - Existing rights
30 USC 34 - Description of vein claims on surveyed and unsurveyed lands; monuments on ground to govern conflicting calls
30 USC 35 - Placer claims; entry and proceedings for patent under provisions applicable to vein or lode claims; conforming entry to legal subdivisions and surveys; limitation of claims; homestead entry of segregated agricultural land
30 USC 36 - Subdivisions of 10-acre tracts; maximum of placer locations; homestead claims of agricultural lands; sale of improvements
30 USC 37 - Proceedings for patent where boundaries contain vein or lode; application; statement including vein or lode; issuance of patent: acreage payments for vein or lode and placer claim; costs of proceedings; knowledge affecting construction of appl
30 USC 38 - Evidence of possession and work to establish right to patent
30 USC 39 - Surveyors of mining claims
30 USC 40 - Verification of affidavits
30 USC 41 - Intersecting or crossing veins
30 USC 42 - Patents for nonmineral lands: application, survey, notice, acreage limitation, payment
30 USC 43 - Conditions of sale by local legislature
44, 45. Omitted
30 USC 46 - Additional land districts and officers
30 USC 47 - Impairment of rights or interests in certain mining property
30 USC 48 - Lands in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota; sale and disposal as public lands
30 USC 49 - Lands in Missouri and Kansas; disposal as agricultural lands
30 USC 49a - Mining laws of United States extended to Alaska; exploration and mining for precious metals; regulations; conflict of laws; permits; dumping tailings; pumping from sea; reservation of roadway; title to land below line of high tide or high-wat
30 USC 49b - Mining laws relating to placer claims extended to Alaska
30 USC 49c - Recording notices of location of Alaskan mining claims
30 USC 49d - Miners regulations for recording notices in Alaska; certain records legalized
30 USC 49e - Annual labor or improvements on Alaskan mining claims; affidavits; burden of proof; forfeitures; location anew of claims; perjury
30 USC 49f - Fees of recorders in Alaska for filing proofs of work and improvements
30 USC 50 - Grants to States or corporations not to include mineral lands
30 USC 51 - Water users vested and accrued rights; enumeration of uses; protection of interest; rights-of-way for canals and ditches; liability for injury or damage to settlers possession
30 USC 52 - Patents or homesteads subject to vested and accrued water rights
30 USC 53 - Possessory actions for recovery of mining titles or for damages to such title
30 USC 54 - Liability for damages to stock raising and homestead entries by mining activities
‹ 30 USC 16 - Research laboratory for utilization of anthracite coal; establishment of advisory committee; composition; functions; appointment
30 USC 21 - Mineral lands reserved ›
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