Subtitle D - Liability
united states code
Subtitle D - Liability
29 USC 1361 - Amounts payable by corporation
29 USC 1362 - Liability for termination of single-employer plans under a distress termination or a termination by corporation
29 USC 1363 - Liability of substantial employer for withdrawal from single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups
29 USC 1364 - Liability on termination of single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups
29 USC 1365 - Annual report of plan administrator
29 USC 1366 - Annual notification to substantial employers
29 USC 1367 - Recovery of liability for plan termination
29 USC 1368 - Lien for liability
29 USC 1369 - Treatment of transactions to evade liability; effect of corporate reorganization
29 USC 1370 - Enforcement authority relating to terminations of single-employer plans
29 USC 1371 - Penalty for failure to timely provide required information
‹ 29 USC 1350 - Missing participants
29 USC 1361 - Amounts payable by corporation ›
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