26 USC 247 - Dividends paid on certain preferred stock of public utilities

(a) Amount of deduction 
In the case of a public utility, there shall be allowed as a deduction an amount computed as follows:
(1) First determine the amount which is the lesser of
(A) the amount of dividends paid during the taxable year on its preferred stock, or
(B) the taxable income for the taxable year (computed without the deduction allowed by this section).
(2) Then multiply the amount determined under paragraph (1) by the fraction
(A) the numerator of which is 14 percent, and
(B) the denominator of which is that percentage which equals the highest rate of tax specified in section 11 (b).

For purposes of the deduction provided in this section, the amount of dividends paid shall not include any amount distributed in the current taxable year with respect to dividends unpaid and accumulated in any taxable year ending before October 1, 1942. Amounts distributed in the current taxable year with respect to dividends unpaid and accumulated for a prior taxable year shall for purposes of this subsection be deemed to be distributed with respect to the earliest year or years for which there are dividends unpaid and accumulated.

(b) Definitions 
For purposes of this section and section 244
(1) Public utility 
The term public utility means a corporation engaged in the furnishing of telephone service or in the sale of electrical energy, gas, or water, if the rates for such furnishing or sale, as the case may be, have been established or approved by a State or political subdivision thereof or by an agency or instrumentality of the United States or by a public utility or public service commission or other similar body of the District of Columbia or of any State or political subdivision thereof.
(2) Preferred stock 

(A) In general 
The term preferred stock means stock issued before October 1, 1942, which during the whole of the taxable year (or the part of the taxable year after its issue) was stock the dividends in respect of which were cumulative, limited to the same amount, and payable in preference to the payment of dividends on other stock.
(B) Certain stock issued on or after October 1, 1942 
Stock issued on or after October 1, 1942, shall be deemed for purposes of this paragraph to have been issued before October 1, 1942, if it was issued to refund or replace bonds or debentures issued before October 1, 1942, or to refund or replace other preferred stock (including stock which is preferred stock by reason of this subparagraph or subparagraph (D)), but only to the extent that the par or stated value of the new stock does not exceed the par, stated, or face value of the bonds or debentures issued before October 1, 1942, or the other preferred stock, which such new stock is issued to refund or replace.
(C) Determination under regulations 
The determination of whether stock was issued to refund or replace bonds or debentures issued before October 1, 1942, or to refund or replace other preferred stock, shall be made under regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
(D) Issuance of stock 
For purposes of subparagraph (B), issuance of stock includes issuance either by the same or another corporation in a transaction which is a reorganization (as defined in section 368 (a)) or a transaction subject to part VI of subchapter O as in effect before its repeal (relating to exchanges in SEC obedience orders), or the respectively corresponding provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939.