25 USC 292b - Establishment of single system of education in Alaska; transfer of Indian schools to State of Alaska

The Bureau of Indian Affairs shall not expend any other funds for the operation of any secondary education program or facility in the State of Alaska after June 30, 1983: Provided, That while consultation concerning day school transfers to the State of Alaska will continue with affected villages, local concurrence is not required in this continuing effort to establish a single system of education envisioned by the States constitution: Provided further, That after June 30, 1984, the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall fund no more than ten day schools in Alaska: Provided further, That the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall not fund any schools in Alaska after June 30, 1985: Provided further, That $9,350,000 of such amount shall be available until expended for transfer to the State of Alaska to assist in the rehabilitation or reconstruction of Bureau-owned schools which are transferred to the State: Provided further, That the $9,350,000 appropriated in Public Law 97394 available to the State of Alaska to assist in the rehabilitation of Bureau-owned schools which are transferred to the State may also be used for reconstruction: Provided further, That when any Alaska day school operated by contract is transferred, the State shall assume any existing contract pertaining to the operation or maintenance of such school for a minimum of two years or until the expiration of the negotiated contract, whichever comes first: Provided further, That nothing in the foregoing shall preclude assistance otherwise available under the Act of April 16, 1934 (48 Stat. 596) as amended (25 U.S.C. 452 et seq.), or any other Act to such schools on the same basis as other public schools.