25 USC 1616l - Community Health Aide Program for Alaska

(a) Maintenance of Program 
Under the authority of section 13 of this title, the Secretary shall maintain a Community Health Aide Program in Alaska under which the Service
(1) provides for the training of Alaska Natives as health aides or community health practitioners;
(2) uses such aides or practitioners in the provision of health care, health promotion, and disease prevention services to Alaska Natives living in villages in rural Alaska; and
(3) provides for the establishment of teleconferencing capacity in health clinics located in or near such villages for use by community health aides or community health practitioners.
(b) Training; curriculum; Certification Board 
The Secretary, acting through the Community Health Aide Program of the Service, shall
(1) using trainers accredited by the Program, provide a high standard of training to community health aides and community health practitioners to ensure that such aides and practitioners provide quality health care, health promotion, and disease prevention services to the villages served by the Program;
(2) in order to provide such training, develop a curriculum that
(A) combines education in the theory of health care with supervised practical experience in the provision of health care;
(B) provides instruction and practical experience in the provision of acute care, emergency care, health promotion, disease prevention, and the efficient and effective management of clinic pharmacies, supplies, equipment, and facilities; and
(C) promotes the achievement of the health status objectives specified in section 1602 (b) of this title;
(3) establish and maintain a Community Health Aide Certification Board to certify as community health aides or community health practitioners individuals who have successfully completed the training described in paragraph (1) or can demonstrate equivalent experience;
(4) develop and maintain a system which identifies the needs of community health aides and community health practitioners for continuing education in the provision of health care, including the areas described in paragraph (2)(B), and develop programs that meet the needs for such continuing education;
(5) develop and maintain a system that provides close supervision of community health aides and community health practitioners; and
(6) develop a system under which the work of community health aides and community health practitioners is reviewed and evaluated to assure the provision of quality health care, health promotion, and disease prevention services.