25 USC 1616i - Additional incentives for health professionals

(a) Incentive special pay 
The Secretary may provide the incentive special pay authorized under section 302 (b) of title 37 to civilian medical officers of the Indian Health Service who are assigned to, and serving in, positions included in the list established under subsection (b)(1) of this section for which recruitment or retention of personnel is difficult.
(b) List of positions; bonus pay 

(1) The Secretary shall establish and update on an annual basis a list of positions of health care professionals employed by, or assigned to, the Service for which recruitment or retention is difficult.
(A) The Secretary may pay a bonus to any commissioned officer or civil service employee, other than a commissioned medical officer, dental officer, optometrist, and veterinarian, who is employed in or assigned to, and serving in, a position in the Service included in the list established by the Secretary under paragraph (1).
(B) The total amount of bonus payments made by the Secretary under this paragraph to any employee during any 1-year period shall not exceed $2,000.
(c) Work schedules 
The Secretary may establish programs to allow the use of flexible work schedules, and compressed work schedules, in accordance with the provisions of subchapter II of chapter 61 of title 5, for health professionals employed by, or assigned to, the Service.