(a) General authority
In accordance with regulations of the Secretary and for any fiscal year, a local educational agency, with the approval of its State educational agency, may consolidate and use for the administration of one or more programs under this chapter (or such other programs as the Secretary shall designate) not more than the percentage, established in each program, of the total available for the local educational agency under those programs.
(b) State procedures
Within 1 year after January 8, 2002, a State educational agency shall, in collaboration with local educational agencies in the State, establish procedures for responding to requests from local educational agencies to consolidate administrative funds under subsection (a) of this section and for establishing limitations on the amount of funds under those programs that may be used for administration on a consolidated basis.
(c) Conditions
A local educational agency that consolidates administrative funds under this section for any fiscal year shall not use any other funds under the programs included in the consolidation for administration for that fiscal year.
(d) Uses of administrative funds A local educational agency that consolidates administrative funds under this section may use the consolidated funds for the administration of the programs and for uses, at the
school district and
school levels, comparable to those described in section
7821 (b)(2) of this title.
(e) Records
A local educational agency that consolidates administrative funds under this section shall not be required to keep separate records, by individual program, to account for costs relating to the administration of the programs included in the consolidation.