(a) On April 1, 1998, and at each 3-year interval ending on April 1 thereafter, each dollar amount in effect under sections
101 (3),
101 (18),
109 (e),
303 (b),
507 (a),
522 (d),
522 (f)(3) and
522 (f)(4),
522 (n),
522 (p),
522 (q),
523 (a)(2)(C),
541 (b),
547 (c)(9),
707 (b),
1322 (d),
1325 (b), and
1326 (b)(3) of this title and section
1409 (b) of title
28 immediately before such April 1 shall be adjusted
(1) to reflect the change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, published by the Department of Labor, for the most recent 3-year period ending immediately before January 1 preceding such April 1, and
(2) to round to the nearest $25 the dollar amount that represents such change.
(b) Not later than March 1, 1998, and at each 3-year interval ending on March 1 thereafter, the Judicial Conference of the United States shall publish in the Federal Register the dollar amounts that will become effective on such April 1 under sections
101 (3),
101 (18),
109 (e),
303 (b),
507 (a),
522 (d),
522 (f)(3) and
522 (f)(4),
522 (n),
522 (p),
522 (q),
523 (a)(2)(C),
541 (b),
547 (c)(9),
707 (b),
1322 (d),
1325 (b), and
1326 (b)(3) of this title and section
1409 (b) of title