26 USC 5501 - Establishment

Plants for the production of vinegar by the vaporizing process, where distilled spirits of not more than 15 percent of alcohol by volume are to be produced exclusively for use in the manufacture of vinegar on the premises, may be established under this part.

26 USC 5502 - Qualification

(a) Requirements 
Every person, before commencing the business of manufacturing vinegar by the vaporizing process, and at such other times as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe, shall make application to the Secretary for the registration of his plant and receive permission to operate. No application required under this section shall be approved until the applicant has complied with all requirements of law, and regulations prescribed by the Secretary, in relation to such business. With respect to any change in such business after approval of an application, the Secretary may by regulations authorize the filing of written notice of such change or require the filing of an application to make such change.
(b) Form of application 
The application required by subsection (a) shall be in such form and contain such information as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe to enable him to determine the identity of the applicant, the location and extent of the premises, the type of operations to be conducted on such premises, and whether the operations will be in conformity with law and regulations.

26 USC 5503 - Construction and equipment

Plants established under this part for the manufacture of vinegar by the vaporizing process shall be constructed and equipped in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe.

26 USC 5504 - Operation

(a) General 
Any manufacturer of vinegar qualified under this part may, under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, separate by a vaporizing process the distilled spirits from the mash produced by him, and condense the vapor by introducing it into the water or other liquid used in making vinegar in his plant.
(b) Removals 
No person shall remove, or cause to be removed, from any plant established under this part any vinegar or other fluid or material containing a greater proportion than 2 percent of proof spirits.
(c) Records 
Every person manufacturing vinegar by the vaporizing process shall keep such records and file such reports as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe of the kind and quantity of materials received on his premises and fermented or mashed, the quantity of low wines produced, the quantity of such low wines used in the manufacture of vinegar, the quantity of vinegar produced, the quantity of vinegar removed from the premises, and such other information as may by regulations be required. Such records, and a copy of such reports, shall be preserved as regulations shall prescribe, and shall be kept available for inspection by any internal revenue officer during business hours.

26 USC 5505 - Applicability of provisions of this chapter

(a) Tax 
The taxes imposed by subchapter A shall be applicable to any distilled spirits produced in violation of section 5501 or removed in violation of section 5504 (b).
(b) Prohibited premises 
Plants established under this part shall not be located on any premises where distilling is prohibited under section 5601 (a)(6).
(c) Entry and examination of premises 
The provisions of section 5203 (b), (c), and (d), relating to right of entry and examination, furnishing facilities and assistance, and authority to break up grounds or walls, shall be applicable to all premises established under this part, and to all proprietors thereof, and their workmen or other persons employed by them.
(d) Registration of stills 
Stills on the premises of plants established under this part shall be registered as provided in section 5179.
(e) Installation of meters, tanks, and other apparatus 
The provisions of section 5552 relating to the installation of meters, tanks, and other apparatus shall be applicable to plants established under this part.
(f) Assignment of internal revenue officers 
The provisions of section 5553 (a) relating to the assignment of internal revenue officers shall be applicable to plants established under this part.
(g) Authority to waive records, statements, and returns 
The provisions of section 5555 (b) relating to the authority of the Secretary to waive records, statements, and returns shall be applicable to records, statements, or returns required by this part.
(h) Regulations 
The provisions of section 5556 relating to the prescribing of regulations shall be applicable to this part.
(i) Penalties 
The penalties and forfeitures provided in sections 5601 (a)(1), (6), and (12), 5603, 5615 (1) and (4), 5686, and 5687 shall be applicable to this part.
(j) Other provisions 
This chapter (other than this part and the provisions referred to in subsection (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) shall not be applicable with respect to plants established or operations conducted under this part.