(1) Primary airports.—
(A) Apportionment.— The Secretary shall apportion to the sponsor of each primary airport for each fiscal year an amount equal to
(i) $7.80 for each of the first 50,000 passenger boardings at the airport during the prior calendar year;
(ii) $5.20 for each of the next 50,000 passenger boardings at the airport during the prior calendar year;
(iii) $2.60 for each of the next 400,000 passenger boardings at the airport during the prior calendar year;
(iv) $.65 for each of the next 500,000 passenger boardings at the airport during the prior calendar year; and
(v) $.50 for each additional passenger boarding at the airport during the prior calendar year.
(B) Minimum and maximum apportionments.—
Not less than $650,000 nor more than $22,000,000 may be apportioned under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph to an airport sponsor for a primary airport for each fiscal year.
(C) Special rule.— In any fiscal year in which the total amount made available under section
48103 is $3,200,000,000 or more
(i) the amount to be apportioned to a sponsor under subparagraph (A) shall be increased by doubling the amount that would otherwise be apportioned;
(ii) the minimum apportionment to a sponsor under subparagraph (B) shall be $1,000,000 rather than $650,000; and
(iii) the maximum apportionment to a sponsor under subparagraph (B) shall be $26,000,000 rather than $22,000,000.
(D) New airports.—
Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall apportion on the first day of the first fiscal year following the official opening of a new airport with scheduled passenger air transportation an amount equal to the minimum amount set forth in subparagraph (B) or (C), as appropriate, to the sponsor of such airport.
(E) Use of previous fiscal year’s apportionment.— Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the Secretary may apportion to an airport sponsor in a fiscal year an amount equal to the amount apportioned to that sponsor in the previous fiscal year if the Secretary finds that
(i) passenger boardings at the airport fell below 10,000 in the calendar year used to calculate the apportionment;
(ii) the airport had at least 10,000 passenger boardings in the calendar year prior to the calendar year used to calculate apportionments to airport sponsors in a fiscal year; and
(iii) the cause of the shortfall in passenger boardings was a temporary but significant interruption in service by an air carrier to that airport due to an employment action, natural disaster, or other event unrelated to the demand for air transportation at the affected airport.
(F) Special rule for fiscal years 2004 and 2005.— Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) and the absence of scheduled passenger aircraft service at an airport, the Secretary may apportion in fiscal years 2004 and 2005 to the sponsor of the airport an amount equal to the amount apportioned to that sponsor in fiscal year 2002 or 2003, whichever amount is greater, if the Secretary finds that
(i) the passenger boardings at the airport were below 10,000 in calendar year 2002 or 2003;
(ii) the airport had at least 10,000 passenger boardings and scheduled passenger aircraft service in either calendar year 2000 or 2001; and
(iii) the reason that passenger boardings described in clause (i) were below 10,000 was the decrease in passengers following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
(G) Special rule for fiscal year 2006.— Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) and the absence of scheduled passenger aircraft service at an airport, the Secretary may apportion in fiscal year 2006 to the sponsor of the airport an amount equal to $500,000, if the Secretary finds that
(i) the passenger boardings at the airport were below 10,000 in calendar year 2004;
(ii) the airport had at least 10,000 passenger boardings and scheduled passenger aircraft service in either calendar year 2000 or 2001; and
(iii) the reason that passenger boardings described in clause (i) were below 10,000 was the decrease in passengers following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
(2) Cargo airports.—
(A) Apportionment.—
Subject to subparagraph (D), the Secretary shall apportion an amount equal to 3.5 percent of the amount subject to apportionment each fiscal year to the sponsors of airports served by aircraft providing air transportation of only cargo with a total annual landed weight of more than 100,000,000 pounds.
(B) Suballocation formula.—
Any funds apportioned under subparagraph (A) to sponsors of airports described in subparagraph (A) shall be allocated among those airports in the proportion that the total annual landed weight of aircraft described in subparagraph (A) landing at each of those airports bears to the total annual landed weight of those aircraft landing at all those airports.
(C) Limitation.— In any fiscal year in which the total amount made available under section
48103 is less than $3,200,000,000, not more than 8 percent of the amount apportioned under subparagraph (A) may be apportioned for any one airport.
(D) Distribution to other airports.—
Before apportioning amounts to the sponsors of airports under subparagraph (A) for a fiscal year, the Secretary may set-aside a portion of such amounts for distribution to the sponsors of other airports, selected by the Secretary, that the Secretary finds will be served primarily by aircraft providing air transportation of only cargo.
(E) Determination of landed weight.—
Landed weight under this paragraph is the landed weight of aircraft landing at each airport described in subparagraph (A) during the prior calendar year.