42 USC 213 - Military benefits

(a) Rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits accorded to commissioned officers or their survivors 
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, commissioned officers of the Service and their surviving beneficiaries shall, with respect to active service performed by such officers
(1) in time of war;
(2) on detail for duty with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; or
(3) while the Service is part of the military forces of the United States pursuant to Executive order of the President;

be entitled to all rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits now or hereafter provided under any law of the United States in the case of commissioned officers of the Army or their surviving beneficiaries on account of active military service, except retired pay and uniform allowances.

(b) Award of decorations 
The President may prescribe the conditions under which commissioned officers of the Service may be awarded military ribbons, medals, and decorations.
(c) Authority of Surgeon General 
The authority vested by law in the Department of the Army, the Secretary of the Army, or other officers of the Department of the Army with respect to rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall be exercised, with respect to commissioned officers of the Service, by the Surgeon General.
(d) Active service deemed active military service with respect to laws administered by Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for the purposes of all laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (except the Servicemens Indemnity Act of 1951) and section 417 of this title.
(e) Active service deemed active military service with respect to Servicemembers Civil Relief Act 
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for the purposes of all rights, privileges, immunities, and benefits now or hereafter provided under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 App. U.S.C. 501 et seq.).
(f) Active service deemed active military service with respect to anti-discrimination laws 
Active service of commissioned officers of the Service shall be deemed to be active military service in the Armed Forces of the United States for purposes of all laws related to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, ethnicity, age, religion, and disability.