42 USC 210 - Pay and allowances

(a) Commissioned officers of Regular and Reserve Corps; special pay for active duty; incentive special pay for Public Health Service nurses 

(1) Commissioned officers of the Regular and Reserve Corps shall be entitled to receive such pay and allowances as are now or may hereafter be authorized by law.
(2) For provisions relating to the receipt of special pay by commissioned officers of the Regular and Reserve Corps while on active duty, see section 303a (b) of title 37.
(b) Purchase of supplies 
Commissioned officers on active duty and retired officers entitled to retired pay pursuant to section 211 (g)(3), 212, or 213a (a) of this title, shall be permitted to purchase supplies from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps at the same price as is charged officers thereof.
(c) Members of national advisory or review councils or committees 
Members of the National Advisory Health Council and members of other national advisory or review councils or committees established under this chapter, including members of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee and the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine, but excluding ex officio members, while attending conferences or meetings of their respective councils or committees or while otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary, shall be entitled to receive compensation at rates to be fixed by the Secretary, but at rates not exceeding the daily equivalent of the rate specified at the time of such service for grade GS18 of the General Schedule, including traveltime; and while away from their homes or regular places of business they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5 for persons in the Government service employed intermittently.
(d) Field employees 
Field employees of the Service, except those employed on a per diem or fee basis, who render part-time duty and are also subject to call at any time for services not contemplated in their regular part-time employment, may be paid annual compensation for such part-time duty and, in addition, such fees for such other services as the Surgeon General may determine; but in no case shall the total paid to any such employee for any fiscal year exceed the amount of the minimum annual salary rate of the classification grade of the employee.
(e) Additional pay for service at Gillis W. Long Hansen’s Disease Center 
Any civilian employee of the Service who is employed at the Gillis W. Long Hansens Disease Center on April 7, 1986, shall be entitled to receive, in addition to any compensation to which the employee may otherwise be entitled and for so long as the employee remains employed at the Center, an amount equal to one-fourth of such compensation.
(f) Allowances included in fellowships 
Individuals appointed under section 209 (g) of this title shall have included in their fellowships such stipends or allowances, including travel and subsistence expenses, as the Surgeon General may deem necessary to procure qualified fellows.
(g) Positions in professional, scientific and executive service; compensation; appointment 
The Secretary is authorized to establish and fix the compensation for, within the Public Health Service, not more than one hundred and seventy-nine positions, of which not less than one hundred and fifteen shall be for the National Institutes of Health, not less than five shall be for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for individuals engaged in research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, not less than ten shall be for the National Center for Health Services Research, not less than twelve shall be for the National Center for Health Statistics, and not less than seven shall be for the National Center for Health Care Technology, in the professional, scientific, and executive service, each position being established to effectuate those research and development activities of the Public Health Service which require the services of specially qualified scientific, professional and administrative personnel: Provided, That the rates of compensation for positions established pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall not be less than the minimum rate of grade 16 of the General Schedule nor more than
(1)  the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule, or
(2)  in the case of two such positions, the rate specified, at the time the service in the position is performed, for level II of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5313); and such rates of compensation for all positions included in this proviso shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management. Positions created pursuant to this subsection shall be included in the classified civil service of the United States, but appointments to such positions shall be made without competitive examination upon approval of the proposed appointees qualifications by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management or such officers or agents as it may designate for this purpose.