(c) for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1993, (P15)(.65) + 2.5, where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(viii) Subject to clause (xiv), the formula used to determine the disproportionate share adjustment percentage for a cost reporting period for a hospital described in clause (iv)(IV) or (iv)(V) is the percentage determined in accordance with the following formula: (P30)(.6) + 4.0, where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(ix) In the case of discharges occurring
(I) during fiscal year 1998, the additional payment amount otherwise determined under clause (ii) shall be reduced by 1 percent;
(II) during fiscal year 1999, such additional payment amount shall be reduced by 2 percent;
(III) during fiscal years 2000 and 2001, such additional payment amount shall be reduced by 3 percent and 2 percent, respectively;
(IV) during fiscal year 2002, such additional payment amount shall be reduced by 3 percent; and
(V) during fiscal year 2003 and each subsequent fiscal year, such additional payment amount shall be reduced by 0 percent.
(x) Subject to clause (xiv), for purposes of clause (iv)(VI) (relating to sole community hospitals), in the case of a hospital for a cost reporting period with a disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)) that
(I) is less than 19.3, the disproportionate share adjustment percentage is determined in accordance with the following formula: (P15)(.65) + 2.5;
(II) is equal to or exceeds 19.3, but is less than 30.0, such adjustment percentage is equal to 5.25 percent; or
(III) is equal to or exceeds 30, such adjustment percentage is equal to 10 percent,
where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(xi) Subject to clause (xiv), for purposes of clause (iv)(V) (relating to rural referral centers), in the case of a hospital for a cost reporting period with a disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)) that
(I) is less than 19.3, the disproportionate share adjustment percentage is determined in accordance with the following formula: (P15)(.65) + 2.5;
(II) is equal to or exceeds 19.3, but is less than 30.0, such adjustment percentage is equal to 5.25 percent; or
(III) is equal to or exceeds 30, such adjustment percentage is determined in accordance with the following formula: (P30)(.6) + 5.25,
where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(xii) Subject to clause (xiv), for purposes of clause (iv)(III) (relating to small rural hospitals generally), in the case of a hospital for a cost reporting period with a disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)) that
(I) is less than 19.3, the disproportionate share adjustment percentage is determined in accordance with the following formula: (P15)(.65) + 2.5; or
(II) is equal to or exceeds 19.3, such adjustment percentage is equal to 5.25 percent,
where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(xiii) Subject to clause (xiv), for purposes of clause (iv)(II) (relating to urban hospitals with less than 100 beds), in the case of a hospital for a cost reporting period with a disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)) that
(I) is less than 19.3, the disproportionate share adjustment percentage is determined in accordance with the following formula: (P15)(.65) + 2.5; or
(II) is equal to or exceeds 19.3, such adjustment percentage is equal to 5.25 percent,
where P is the hospitals disproportionate patient percentage (as defined in clause (vi)).
(I) In the case of discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2004, subject to subclause (II), there shall be substituted for the disproportionate share adjustment percentage otherwise determined under clause (iv) (other than subclause (I)) or under clause (viii), (x), (xi), (xii), or (xiii), the disproportionate share adjustment percentage determined under clause (vii) (relating to large, urban hospitals).
(II) Under subclause (I), the disproportionate share adjustment percentage shall not exceed 12 percent for a hospital that is not classified as a rural referral center under subparagraph (C) or, in the case of discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2006, as a medicare-dependent, small rural hospital under subparagraph (G)(iv).
(i) For any cost reporting period beginning on or after April 1, 1990, and before October 1, 1994, or discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997, and before October 1, 2011, in the case of a subsection (d) hospital which is a medicare-dependent, small rural hospital, payment under paragraph (1)(A) shall be equal to the sum of the amount determined under clause (ii) and the amount determined under paragraph (1)(A)(iii).
(ii) The amount determined under this clause is
(I) for discharges occurring during the 36-month period beginning with the first day of the cost reporting period that begins on or after April 1, 1990, the amount by which the hospitals target amount for the cost reporting period (as defined in subsection (b)(3)(D) of this section) exceeds the amount determined under paragraph (1)(A)(iii); and
(II) for discharges occurring during any subsequent cost reporting period (or portion thereof) and before October 1, 1994, or discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997, and before October 1, 2011, 50 percent (or 75 percent in the case of discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2006) of the amount by which the hospitals target amount for the cost reporting period or for discharges in the fiscal year (as defined in subsection (b)(3)(D) of this section) exceeds the amount determined under paragraph (1)(A)(iii).
(iii) In the case of a medicare dependent, small rural hospital that experiences, in a cost reporting period compared to the previous cost reporting period, a decrease of more than 5 percent in its total number of inpatient cases due to circumstances beyond its control, the Secretary shall provide for such adjustment to the payment amounts under this subsection (other than under paragraph (9)) as may be necessary to fully compensate the hospital for the fixed costs it incurs in the period in providing inpatient hospital services, including the reasonable cost of maintaining necessary core staff and services.
(iv) The term medicare-dependent, small rural hospital means, with respect to any cost reporting period to which clause (i) applies, any hospital
(I) located in a rural area,
(II) that has not more than 100 beds,
(III) that is not classified as a sole community hospital under subparagraph (D), and
(IV) for which not less than 60 percent of its inpatient days or discharges during the cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1987, or two of the three most recently audited cost reporting periods for which the Secretary has a settled cost report, were attributable to inpatients entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter.
(H) The Secretary may provide for such adjustments to the payment amounts under this subsection as the Secretary deems appropriate to take into account the unique circumstances of hospitals located in Alaska and Hawaii.
(i) The Secretary shall provide by regulation for such other exceptions and adjustments to such payment amounts under this subsection as the Secretary deems appropriate.
(ii) In making adjustments under clause (i) for transfer cases (as defined by the Secretary) in a fiscal year, not taking in account the effect of subparagraph (J), the Secretary may make adjustments to each of the average standardized amounts determined under paragraph (3) to assure that the aggregate payments made under this subsection for such fiscal year are not greater or lesser than those that would have otherwise been made in such fiscal year.
(i) The Secretary shall treat the term transfer case (as defined in subparagraph (I)(ii)) as including the case of a qualified discharge (as defined in clause (ii)), which is classified within a diagnosis-related group described in clause (iii), and which occurs on or after October 1, 1998. In the case of a qualified discharge for which a substantial portion of the costs of care are incurred in the early days of the inpatient stay (as defined by the Secretary), in no case may the payment amount otherwise provided under this subsection exceed an amount equal to the sum of
(I) 50 percent of the amount of payment under this subsection for transfer cases (as established under subparagraph (I)(i)), and
(II) 50 percent of the amount of payment which would have been made under this subsection with respect to the qualified discharge if no transfer were involved.
(ii) For purposes of clause (i), subject to clause (iii), the term qualified discharge means a discharge classified with a diagnosis-related group (described in clause (iii)) of an individual from a subsection (d) hospital, if upon such discharge the individual
(I) is admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or hospital unit that is not a subsection (d) hospital for the provision of inpatient hospital services;
(II) is admitted to a skilled nursing facility;
(III) is provided home health services from a home health agency, if such services relate to the condition or diagnosis for which such individual received inpatient hospital services from the subsection (d) hospital, and if such services are provided within an appropriate period (as determined by the Secretary); or
(IV) for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2000, the individual receives post discharge services described in clause (iv)(I).
(iii) Subject to clause (iv), a diagnosis-related group described in this clause is
(I) 1 of 10 diagnosis-related groups selected by the Secretary based upon a high volume of discharges classified within such groups and a disproportionate use of post discharge services described in clause (ii); and
(II) a diagnosis-related group specified by the Secretary under clause (iv)(II).
(iv) The Secretary shall include in the proposed rule published under subsection (e)(5)(A) of this section for fiscal year 2001, a description of the effect of this subparagraph. The Secretary may include in the proposed rule (and in the final rule published under paragraph (6)) for fiscal year 2001 or a subsequent fiscal year, a description of
(I) post-discharge services not described in subclauses (I), (II), and (III) of clause (ii), the receipt of which results in a qualified discharge; and
(II) diagnosis-related groups described in clause (iii)(I) in addition to the 10 selected under such clause.
(i) Effective for discharges beginning on or after October 1, 2001, the Secretary shall establish a mechanism to recognize the costs of new medical services and technologies under the payment system established under this subsection. Such mechanism shall be established after notice and opportunity for public comment (in the publications required by subsection (e)(5) of this section for a fiscal year or otherwise). Such mechanism shall be modified to meet the requirements of clause (viii).
(ii) The mechanism established pursuant to clause (i) shall
(I) apply to a new medical service or technology if, based on the estimated costs incurred with respect to discharges involving such service or technology, the DRG prospective payment rate otherwise applicable to such discharges under this subsection is inadequate (applying a threshold specified by the Secretary that is the lesser of 75 percent of the standardized amount (increased to reflect the difference between cost and charges) or 75 percent of one standard deviation for the diagnosis-related group involved);
(II) provide for the collection of data with respect to the costs of a new medical service or technology described in subclause (I) for a period of not less than two years and not more than three years beginning on the date on which an inpatient hospital code is issued with respect to the service or technology;
(III) provide for additional payment to be made under this subsection with respect to discharges involving a new medical service or technology described in subclause (I) that occur during the period described in subclause (II) in an amount that adequately reflects the estimated average cost of such service or technology; and
(IV) provide that discharges involving such a service or technology that occur after the close of the period described in subclause (II) will be classified within a new or existing diagnosis-related group with a weighting factor under paragraph (4)(B) that is derived from cost data collected with respect to discharges occurring during such period.
(iii) For purposes of clause (ii)(II), the term inpatient hospital code means any code that is used with respect to inpatient hospital services for which payment may be made under this subsection and includes an alphanumeric code issued under the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9CM) and its subsequent revisions.
(iv) For purposes of clause (ii)(III), the term additional payment means, with respect to a discharge for a new medical service or technology described in clause (ii)(I), an amount that exceeds the prospective payment rate otherwise applicable under this subsection to discharges involving such service or technology that would be made but for this subparagraph.
(v) The requirement under clause (ii)(III) for an additional payment may be satisfied by means of a new-technology group (described in subparagraph (L)), an add-on payment, a payment adjustment, or any other similar mechanism for increasing the amount otherwise payable with respect to a discharge under this subsection. The Secretary may not establish a separate fee schedule for such additional payment for such services and technologies, by utilizing a methodology established under subsection (a) or (h) of section 1395m of this title to determine the amount of such additional payment, or by other similar mechanisms or methodologies.
(vi) For purposes of this subparagraph and subparagraph (L), a medical service or technology will be considered a new medical service or technology if the service or technology meets criteria established by the Secretary after notice and an opportunity for public comment.
(vii) Under the mechanism under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall provide for the addition of new diagnosis and procedure codes in April 1 of each year, but the addition of such codes shall not require the Secretary to adjust the payment (or diagnosis-related group classification) under this subsection until the fiscal year that begins after such date.
(viii) The mechanism established pursuant to clause (i) shall be adjusted to provide, before publication of a proposed rule, for public input regarding whether a new service or technology represents an advance in medical technology that substantially improves the diagnosis or treatment of individuals entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter as follows:
(I) The Secretary shall make public and periodically update a list of all the services and technologies for which an application for additional payment under this subparagraph is pending.
(II) The Secretary shall accept comments, recommendations, and data from the public regarding whether the service or technology represents a substantial improvement.
(III) The Secretary shall provide for a meeting at which organizations representing hospitals, physicians, such individuals, manufacturers, and any other interested party may present comments, recommendations, and data to the clinical staff of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services before publication of a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding whether service or technology represents a substantial improvement.
(ix) Before establishing any add-on payment under this subparagraph with respect to a new technology, the Secretary shall seek to identify one or more diagnosis-related groups associated with such technology, based on similar clinical or anatomical characteristics and the cost of the technology. Within such groups the Secretary shall assign an eligible new technology into a diagnosis-related group where the average costs of care most closely approximate the costs of care of using the new technology. No add-on payment under this subparagraph shall be made with respect to such new technology and this clause shall not affect the application of paragraph (4)(C)(iii).
(i) In establishing the mechanism under subparagraph (K), the Secretary may establish new-technology groups into which a new medical service or technology will be classified if, based on the estimated average costs incurred with respect to discharges involving such service or technology, the DRG prospective payment rate otherwise applicable to such discharges under this subsection is inadequate.
(ii) Such groups
(I) shall not be based on the costs associated with a specific new medical service or technology; but
(II) shall, in combination with the applicable standardized amounts and the weighting factors assigned to such groups under paragraph (4)(B), reflect such cost cohorts as the Secretary determines are appropriate for all new medical services and technologies that are likely to be provided as inpatient hospital services in a fiscal year.
(iii) The methodology for classifying specific hospital discharges within a diagnosis-related group under paragraph (4)(A) or a new-technology group shall provide that a specific hospital discharge may not be classified within both a diagnosis-related group and a new-technology group.
(6) The Secretary shall provide for publication in the Federal Register, on or before the August 1 before each fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 1984), of a description of the methodology and data used in computing the adjusted DRG prospective payment rates under this subsection, including any adjustments required under subsection (e)(1)(B) of this section.
(7) There shall be no administrative or judicial review under section
1395oo of this title or otherwise of
(A) the determination of the requirement, or the proportional amount, of any adjustment effected pursuant to subsection (e)(1) of this section or the determination of the applicable percentage increase under paragraph (12)(A)(ii), and
(B) the establishment of diagnosis-related groups, of the methodology for the classification of discharges within such groups, and of the appropriate weighting factors thereof under paragraph (4), including the selection and revision of codes under paragraph (4)(D).
(A) In the case of any hospital which is located in an area which is, at any time after April 20, 1983, reclassified from an urban to a rural area, payments to such hospital for the first two cost reporting periods for which such reclassification is effective shall be made as follows:
(i) For the first such cost reporting period, payment shall be equal to the amount payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of the rural classification, plus an amount equal to two-thirds of the amount (if any) by which
(I) the amount which would have been payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of an urban classification, exceeds
(II) the amount payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of the rural classification.
(ii) For the second such cost reporting period, payment shall be equal to the amount payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of the rural classification, plus an amount equal to one-third of the amount (if any) by which
(I) the amount which would have been payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of an urban classification, exceeds
(II) the amount payable to such hospital for such reporting period on the basis of the rural classification.
(i) For purposes of this subsection, the Secretary shall treat a hospital located in a rural county adjacent to one or more urban areas as being located in the urban metropolitan statistical area to which the greatest number of workers in the county commute, if the rural county would otherwise be considered part of an urban area, under the standards for designating Metropolitan Statistical Areas (and for designating New England County Metropolitan Areas) described in clause (ii), if the commuting rates used in determining outlying counties (or, for New England, similar recognized areas) were determined on the basis of the aggregate number of resident workers who commute to (and, if applicable under the standards, from) the central county or counties of all contiguous Metropolitan Statistical Areas (or New England County Metropolitan Areas).
(ii) The standards described in this clause for cost reporting periods beginning in a fiscal year
(I) before fiscal year 2003, are the standards published in the Federal Register on January 3, 1980, or, at the election of the hospital with respect to fiscal years 2001 and 2002, standards so published on March 30, 1990; and
(II) after fiscal year 2002, are the standards published in the Federal Register by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget based on the most recent available decennial population data.
Subparagraphs (C) and (D) shall not apply with respect to the application of subclause (I).
(i) If the application of subparagraph (B) or a decision of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board or the Secretary under paragraph (10), by treating hospitals located in a rural county or counties as being located in an urban area, or by treating hospitals located in one urban area as being located in another urban area
(I) reduces the wage index for that urban area (as applied under this subsection) by 1 percentage point or less, the Secretary, in calculating such wage index under this subsection, shall exclude those hospitals so treated, or
(II) reduces the wage index for that urban area by more than 1 percentage point (as applied under this subsection), the Secretary shall calculate and apply such wage index under this subsection separately to hospitals located in such urban area (excluding all the hospitals so treated) and to the hospitals so treated (as if such hospitals were located in such urban area).
(ii) If the application of subparagraph (B) or a decision of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board or the Secretary under paragraph (10), by treating hospitals located in a rural county or counties as not being located in the rural area in a State, reduces the wage index for that rural area (as applied under this subsection), the Secretary shall calculate and apply such wage index under this subsection as if the hospitals so treated had not been excluded from calculation of the wage index for that rural area.
(iii) The application of subparagraph (B) or a decision of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board or the Secretary under paragraph (10) may not result in the reduction of any countys wage index to a level below the wage index for rural areas in the State in which the county is located.
(iv) The application of subparagraph (B) or a decision of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board or of the Secretary under paragraph (10) may not result in a reduction in an urban areas wage index if
(I) the urban area has a wage index below the wage index for rural areas in the State in which it is located; or
(II) the urban area is located in a State that is composed of a single urban area.
(v) This subparagraph shall apply with respect to discharges occurring in a fiscal year only if the Secretary uses a method for making adjustments to the DRG prospective payment rate for area differences in hospital wage levels under paragraph (3)(E) for the fiscal year that is based on the use of Metropolitan Statistical Area classifications.
(D) The Secretary shall make a proportional adjustment in the standardized amounts determined under paragraph (3) to assure that the provisions of subparagraphs (B) and (C) or a decision of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board or the Secretary under paragraph (10) do not result in aggregate payments under this section that are greater or less than those that would otherwise be made.
(i) For purposes of this subsection, not later than 60 days after the receipt of an application (in a form and manner determined by the Secretary) from a subsection (d) hospital described in clause (ii), the Secretary shall treat the hospital as being located in the rural area (as defined in paragraph (2)(D)) of the State in which the hospital is located.
(ii) For purposes of clause (i), a subsection (d) hospital described in this clause is a subsection (d) hospital that is located in an urban area (as defined in paragraph (2)(D)) and satisfies any of the following criteria:
(I) The hospital is located in a rural census tract of a metropolitan statistical area (as determined under the most recent modification of the Goldsmith Modification, originally published in the Federal Register on February 27, 1992 (57 Fed. Reg. 6725)).
(II) The hospital is located in an area designated by any law or regulation of such State as a rural area (or is designated by such State as a rural hospital).
(III) The hospital would qualify as a rural, regional, or national referral center under paragraph (5)(C) or as a sole community hospital under paragraph (5)(D) if the hospital were located in a rural area.
(IV) The hospital meets such other criteria as the Secretary may specify.
(A) Notwithstanding section
1395f (b) of this title but subject to the provisions of section
1395e of this title, the amount of the payment with respect to the operating costs of inpatient hospital services of a subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for inpatient hospital discharges is equal to the sum of
(i) the applicable Puerto Rico percentage (specified in subparagraph (E)) of the Puerto Rico adjusted DRG prospective payment rate (determined under subparagraph (B) or (C)) for such discharges,
(ii) the applicable Federal percentage (specified in subparagraph (E)) of
(I) for discharges beginning in a fiscal year beginning on or after October 1, 1997, and before October 1, 2003, the discharge-weighted average of
(aa) the national adjusted DRG prospective payment rate (determined under paragraph (3)(D)) for hospitals located in a large urban area,
(bb) such rate for hospitals located in other urban areas, and
(cc) such rate for hospitals located in a rural area,
for such discharges, adjusted in the manner provided in paragraph (3)(E) for different area wage levels; and
(II) for discharges in a fiscal year beginning on or after October 1, 2003, the national DRG prospective payment rate determined under paragraph (3)(D)(iii) for hospitals located in any area for such discharges, adjusted in the manner provided in paragraph (3)(E) for different area wage levels. As used in this section, the term subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital means a hospital that is located in Puerto Rico and that would be a subsection (d) hospital (as defined in paragraph (1)(B)) if it were located in one of the 50 States.
(B) The Secretary shall determine a Puerto Rico adjusted DRG prospective payment rate, for each inpatient hospital discharge in fiscal year 1988 involving inpatient hospital services of a subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for which payment may be made under part A of this subchapter. Such rate shall be determined for such hospitals located in urban or rural areas within Puerto Rico, as follows:
(i) The Secretary shall determine the target amount (as defined in subsection (b)(3)(A) of this section) for the hospital for the cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1987 and increase such amount by prorating the applicable percentage increase (as defined in subsection (b)(3)(B) of this section) to update the amount to the midpoint in fiscal year 1988.
(ii) The Secretary shall standardize the amount determined under clause (i) for each hospital by
(I) excluding an estimate of indirect medical education costs,
(II) adjusting for variations among hospitals by area in the average hospital wage level,
(III) adjusting for variations in case mix among hospitals, and
(IV) excluding an estimate of the additional payments to certain subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals to be made under subparagraph (D)(iii) (relating to disproportionate share payments).
(iii) The Secretary shall compute a discharge weighted average of the standardized amounts determined under clause (ii) for all hospitals located in an urban area and for all hospitals located in a rural area (as such terms are defined in paragraph (2)(D)).
(iv) The Secretary shall reduce the average standardized amount by a proportion equal to the proportion (estimated by the Secretary) of the amount of payments under this paragraph which are additional payments described in subparagraph (D)(i) (relating to outlier payments).
(v) For each discharge classified within a diagnosis-related group for hospitals located in an urban or rural area, respectively, the Secretary shall establish a Puerto Rico DRG prospective payment rate equal to the product of
(I) the average standardized amount (computed under clause (iii) and reduced under clause (iv)) for hospitals located in an urban or rural area, respectively, and
(II) the weighting factor (determined under paragraph (4)(B)) for that diagnosis-related group.
(vi) The Secretary shall adjust the proportion (as estimated by the Secretary from time to time) of hospitals costs which are attributable to wages and wage-related costs, of the Puerto Rico DRG prospective payment rate computed under clause (v) for area differences in hospital wage levels by a factor (established by the Secretary) reflecting the relative hospital wage level in the geographic area of the hospital compared to the Puerto Rican average hospital wage level.
(C) The Secretary shall determine a Puerto Rico adjusted DRG prospective payment rate, for each inpatient hospital discharge after fiscal year 1988 involving inpatient hospital services of a subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for which payment may be made under part A of this subchapter. Such rate shall be determined for hospitals located in urban or rural areas within Puerto Rico as follows:
(I) For discharges in a fiscal year after fiscal year 1988 and before fiscal year 2004, the Secretary shall compute an average standardized amount for hospitals located in an urban area and for hospitals located in a rural area equal to the respective average standardized amount computed for the previous fiscal year under subparagraph (B)(iii) or under this clause, increased for fiscal year 1989 by the applicable percentage increase under subsection (b)(3)(B) of this section, and adjusted for subsequent fiscal years in accordance with the final determination of the Secretary under subsection (e)(4) of this section, and adjusted to reflect the most recent case-mix data available.
(II) For discharges occurring in a fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2004), the Secretary shall compute an average standardized amount for hospitals located in any area of Puerto Rico that is equal to the average standardized amount computed under subclause (I) for fiscal year 2003 for hospitals in a large urban area (or, beginning with fiscal year 2005, for all hospitals in the previous fiscal year) increased by the applicable percentage increase under subsection (b)(3)(B) of this section for the fiscal year involved.
(ii) The Secretary shall reduce each of the average standardized amounts (or for fiscal year 2004 and thereafter, the average standardized amount) by a proportion equal to the proportion (estimated by the Secretary) of the amount of payments under this paragraph which are additional payments described in subparagraph (D)(i) (relating to outlier payments).
(iii) For each discharge classified within a diagnosis-related group for hospitals located in an urban or rural area, respectively, the Secretary shall establish a Puerto Rico DRG prospective payment rate equal to the product of
(I) the average standardized amount (computed under clause (i) and reduced under clause (ii)), and
(II) the weighting factor (determined under paragraph (4)(B)) for that diagnosis-related group.
(I) The Secretary shall adjust the proportion (as estimated by the Secretary from time to time) of hospitals costs which are attributable to wages and wage-related costs, of the Puerto Rico DRG prospective payment rate computed under clause (iii) for area differences in hospital wage levels by a factor (established by the Secretary) reflecting the relative hospital wage level in the geographic area of the hospital compared to the Puerto Rico average hospital wage level. The second and third sentences of paragraph (3)(E)(i) shall apply to subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals under this clause in the same manner as they apply to subsection (d) hospitals under such paragraph and, for purposes of this clause, any reference in such paragraph to a subsection (d) hospital is deemed a reference to a subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital.
(II) For discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2004, the Secretary shall substitute 62 percent for the proportion described in the first sentence of clause (i), unless the application of this subclause would result in lower payments to a hospital than would otherwise be made.
(D) The following provisions of paragraph (5) shall apply to subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals receiving payment under this paragraph in the same manner and to the extent as they apply to subsection (d) hospitals receiving payment under this subsection:
(i) Subparagraph (A) (relating to outlier payments).
(ii) Subparagraph (B) (relating to payments for indirect medical education costs), except that for this purpose the sum of the amount determined under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and the amount paid to the hospital under clause (i) of this subparagraph shall be substituted for the sum referred to in paragraph (5)(B)(i)(I).
(iii) Subparagraph (F) (relating to disproportionate share payments), except that for this purpose the sum described in clause (ii) of this subparagraph shall be substituted for the sum referred to in paragraph (5)(F)(ii)(I).
(iv) Subparagraph (H) (relating to exceptions and adjustments).
(E) For purposes of subparagraph (A), for discharges occurring
(i) on or after October 1, 1987, and before October 1, 1997, the applicable Puerto Rico percentage is 75 percent and the applicable Federal percentage is 25 percent;
(ii) on or after October 1, 1997, and before April 1, 2004, the applicable Puerto Rico percentage is 50 percent and the applicable Federal percentage is 50 percent;
(iii) on or after April 1, 2004, and before October 1, 2004, the applicable Puerto Rico percentage is 37.5 percent and the applicable Federal percentage is 62.5 percent; and
(iv) on or after October 1, 2004, the applicable Puerto Rico percentage is 25 percent and the applicable Federal percentage is 75 percent.
(A) There is hereby established the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as the Board).
(i) The Board shall be composed of 5 members appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5, governing appointments in the competitive service. Two of such members shall be representative of subsection (d) hospitals located in a rural area under paragraph (2)(D). At least 1 member shall be knowledgeable in the field of analyzing costs with respect to the provision of inpatient hospital services.
(ii) The Secretary shall make initial appointments to the Board as provided in this paragraph within 180 days after December 19, 1989.
(i) The Board shall consider the application of any subsection (d) hospital requesting that the Secretary change the hospitals geographic classification for purposes of determining for a fiscal year
(I) the hospitals average standardized amount under paragraph (2)(D), or
(II) the factor used to adjust the DRG prospective payment rate for area differences in hospital wage levels that applies to such hospital under paragraph (3)(E).
(ii) A hospital requesting a change in geographic classification under clause (i) for a fiscal year shall submit its application to the Board not later than the first day of the 13-month period ending on September 30 of the preceding fiscal year.
(I) The Board shall render a decision on an application submitted under clause (i) not later than 180 days after the deadline referred to in clause (ii).
(II) Appeal of decisions of the Board shall be subject to the provisions of section
557b6 of title
5. The Secretary shall issue a decision on such an appeal not later than 90 days after the date on which the appeal is filed. The decision of the Secretary shall be final and shall not be subject to judicial review.
(i) The Secretary shall publish guidelines to be utilized by the Board in rendering decisions on applications submitted under this paragraph, and shall include in such guidelines the following:
(I) Guidelines for comparing wages, taking into account (to the extent the Secretary determines appropriate) occupational mix, in the area in which the hospital is classified and the area in which the hospital is applying to be classified.
(II) Guidelines for determining whether the county in which the hospital is located should be treated as being a part of a particular Metropolitan Statistical Area.
(III) Guidelines for considering information provided by an applicant with respect to the effects of the hospitals geographic classification on access to inpatient hospital services by medicare beneficiaries.
(IV) Guidelines for considering the appropriateness of the criteria used to define New England County Metropolitan Areas.
(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), if the Secretary uses a method for making adjustments to the DRG prospective payment rate for area differences in hospital wage levels under paragraph (3)(E) that is not based on the use of Metropolitan Statistical Area classifications, the Secretary may revise the guidelines published under clause (i) to the extent such guidelines are used to determine the appropriateness of the geographic area in which the hospital is determined to be located for purposes of making such adjustments.
(iii) Under the guidelines published by the Secretary under clause (i), in the case of a hospital which has ever been classified by the Secretary as a rural referral center under paragraph (5)(C), the Board may not reject the application of the hospital under this paragraph on the basis of any comparison between the average hourly wage of the hospital and the average hourly wage of hospitals in the area in which it is located.
(iv) The Secretary shall publish the guidelines described in clause (i) by July 1, 1990.
(v) Any decision of the Board to reclassify a subsection (d) hospital for purposes of the adjustment factor described in subparagraph (C)(i)(II) for fiscal year 2001 or any fiscal year thereafter shall be effective for a period of 3 fiscal years, except that the Secretary shall establish procedures under which a subsection (d) hospital may elect to terminate such reclassification before the end of such period.
(vi) Such guidelines shall provide that, in making decisions on applications for reclassification for the purposes described in clause (v) for fiscal year 2003 and any succeeding fiscal year, the Board shall base any comparison of the average hourly wage for the hospital with the average hourly wage for hospitals in an area on
(I) an average of the average hourly wage amount for the hospital from the most recently published hospital wage survey data of the Secretary (as of the date on which the hospital applies for reclassification) and such amount from each of the two immediately preceding surveys; and
(II) an average of the average hourly wage amount for hospitals in such area from the most recently published hospital wage survey data of the Secretary (as of the date on which the hospital applies for reclassification) and such amount from each of the two immediately preceding surveys.
(i) The Board shall have full power and authority to make rules and establish procedures, not inconsistent with the provisions of this subchapter or regulations of the Secretary, which are necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this paragraph. In the course of any hearing the Board may administer oaths and affirmations. The provisions of subsections (d) and (e) of section 405 of this title with respect to subpenas shall apply to the Board to the same extent as such provisions apply to the Secretary with respect to subchapter II of this chapter.
(ii) The Board is authorized to engage such technical assistance and to receive such information as may be required to carry out its functions, and the Secretary shall, in addition, make available to the Board such secretarial, clerical, and other assistance as the Board may require to carry out its functions.
(i) Each member of the Board who is not an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall be compensated at a rate equal to the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for grade GS18 of the General Schedule under section
5332 of title
5 for each day (including travel time) during which such member is engaged in the performance of the duties of the Board. Each member of the Board who is an officer or employee of the United States shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for service as an officer or employee of the United States.
(ii) Members of the Board shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of chapter
57 of title
5, while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Board.
(11) Additional payments for managed care enrollees.—
(A) In general.—
For portions of cost reporting periods occurring on or after January 1, 1998, the Secretary shall provide for an additional payment amount for each applicable discharge of any subsection (d) hospital that has an approved medical residency training program.
(B) Applicable discharge.— For purposes of this paragraph, the term applicable discharge means the discharge of any individual who is enrolled under a risk-sharing contract with an eligible organization under section
1395mm of this title and who is entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter or any individual who is enrolled with a Medicare+Choice organization under part C of this subchapter.
(C) Determination of amount.—
The amount of the payment under this paragraph with respect to any applicable discharge shall be equal to the applicable percentage (as defined in subsection (h)(3)(D)(ii) of this section) of the estimated average per discharge amount that would otherwise have been paid under paragraph (5)(B) if the individuals had not been enrolled as described in subparagraph (B).
(D) Special rule for hospitals under reimbursement system.— The Secretary shall establish rules for the application of this paragraph to a hospital reimbursed under a reimbursement system authorized under section
1395f (b)(3) of this title in the same manner as it would apply to the hospital if it were not reimbursed under such section.
(12) Payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals.—
(A) In general.—
In addition to any payments calculated under this section for a subsection (d) hospital, for discharges occurring during a fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2005), the Secretary shall provide for an additional payment amount to each low-volume hospital (as defined in subparagraph (C)(i)) for discharges occurring during that fiscal year that is equal to the applicable percentage increase (determined under subparagraph (B) for the hospital involved) in the amount paid to such hospital under this section for such discharges (determined without regard to this paragraph).
(B) Applicable percentage increase.—
The Secretary shall determine an applicable percentage increase for purposes of subparagraph (A) as follows:
(i) The Secretary shall determine the empirical relationship for subsection (d) hospitals between the standardized cost-per-case for such hospitals and the total number of discharges of such hospitals and the amount of the additional incremental costs (if any) that are associated with such number of discharges.
(ii) The applicable percentage increase shall be determined based upon such relationship in a manner that reflects, based upon the number of such discharges for a subsection (d) hospital, such additional incremental costs.
(iii) In no case shall the applicable percentage increase exceed 25 percent.
(C) Definitions.—
(i) Low-volume hospital.—
For purposes of this paragraph, the term low-volume hospital means, for a fiscal year, a subsection (d) hospital (as defined in paragraph (1)(B)) that the Secretary determines is located more than 25 road miles from another subsection (d) hospital and has less than 800 discharges during the fiscal year.
(ii) Discharge.— For purposes of subparagraph (B) and clause (i), the term discharge means an inpatient acute care discharge of an individual regardless of whether the individual is entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter.
(A) In order to recognize commuting patterns among geographic areas, the Secretary shall establish a process through application or otherwise for an increase of the wage index applied under paragraph (3)(E) for subsection (d) hospitals located in a qualifying county described in subparagraph (B) in the amount computed under subparagraph (D) based on out-migration of hospital employees who reside in that county to any higher wage index area.
(B) The Secretary shall establish criteria for a qualifying county under this subparagraph based on the out-migration referred to in subparagraph (A) and differences in the area wage indices. Under such criteria the Secretary shall, utilizing such data as the Secretary determines to be appropriate, establish
(i) a threshold percentage, established by the Secretary, of the weighted average of the area wage index or indices for the higher wage index areas involved;
(ii) a threshold (of not less than 10 percent) for minimum out-migration to a higher wage index area or areas; and
(iii) a requirement that the average hourly wage of the hospitals in the qualifying county equals or exceeds the average hourly wage of all the hospitals in the area in which the qualifying county is located.
(C) For purposes of this paragraph, the term higher wage index area means, with respect to a county, an area with a wage index that exceeds that of the county.
(D) The increase in the wage index under subparagraph (A) for a qualifying county shall be equal to the percentage of the hospital employees residing in the qualifying county who are employed in any higher wage index area multiplied by the sum of the products, for each higher wage index area of
(i) the difference between
(I) the wage index for such higher wage index area, and
(II) the wage index of the qualifying county; and
(ii) the number of hospital employees residing in the qualifying county who are employed in such higher wage index area divided by the total number of hospital employees residing in the qualifying county who are employed in any higher wage index area.
(E) The process under this paragraph may be based upon the process used by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board under paragraph (10). As the Secretary determines to be appropriate to carry out such process, the Secretary may require hospitals (including subsection (d) hospitals and other hospitals) and critical access hospitals, as required under section
1395cc (a)(1)(T) of this title, to submit data regarding the location of residence, or the Secretary may use data from other sources.
(F) A wage index increase under this paragraph shall be effective for a period of 3 fiscal years, except that the Secretary shall establish procedures under which a subsection (d) hospital may elect to waive the application of such wage index increase.
(G) A hospital in a county that has a wage index increase under this paragraph for a period and that has not waived the application of such an increase under subparagraph (F) is not eligible for reclassification under paragraph (8) or (10) during that period.
(H) Any increase in a wage index under this paragraph for a county shall not be taken into account for purposes of
(i) computing the wage index for portions of the wage index area (not including the county) in which the county is located; or
(ii) applying any budget neutrality adjustment with respect to such index under paragraph (8)(D).
(I) The thresholds described in subparagraph (B), data on hospital employees used under this paragraph, and any determination of the Secretary under the process described in subparagraph (E) shall be final and shall not be subject to judicial review.