(B) Each governmentwide 5-year financial management plan prepared under this subsection shall
(i) describe the existing financial management structure and any changes needed to establish an integrated financial management system;
(ii) be consistent with applicable accounting principles, standards, and requirements;
(iii) provide a strategy for developing and integrating individual agency accounting, financial information, and other financial management systems to ensure adequacy, consistency, and timeliness of financial information;
(iv) identify and make proposals to eliminate duplicative and unnecessary systems, including encouraging agencies to share systems which have sufficient capacity to perform the functions needed;
(v) identify projects to bring existing systems into compliance with the applicable standards and requirements;
(vi) contain milestones for equipment acquisitions and other actions necessary to implement the 5-year plan consistent with the requirements of this section;
(vii) identify financial management personnel needs and actions to ensure those needs are met;
(viii) include a plan for ensuring the annual audit of financial statements of executive agencies pursuant to section
3521 (h) of this title; and
(ix) estimate the costs of implementing the governmentwide 5-year plan.