(1) Definition Subject to the limitations in paragraph (2) and the prohibition in paragraph (3), the term eligible not-for-profit holder means an eligible lender under subsection (d) (except for an eligible lender described in subsection (d)(1)(E)) that requests a special allowance payment under section
1087–1 (b)(2)(I)(vi)(II) of this title or a payment under section
1141 of this title and that is
(A) a State, or a political subdivision, authority, agency, or other instrumentality thereof, including such entities that are eligible to issue bonds described in section
1.1031 of title 26, Code of Federal Regulations, or section
144 (b) of title
(B) an entity described in section 150(d)(2) of such title that has not made the election described in section 150(d)(3) of such title;
(C) an entity described in section 501(c)(3) of such title; or
(D) acting as a trustee on behalf of a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d).
(2) Limitations
(A) Existing on September 27, 2007
(i) In general An eligible lender shall not be an eligible not-for-profit holder under this chapter unless such lender
(I) was a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in paragraph (1)(A), (B), or (C) that was, on September 27, 2007, acting as an eligible lender under subsection (d) (other than an eligible lender described in subsection (d)(1)(E)); or
(II) is acting as a trustee on behalf of a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d), and such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity, on September 27, 2007, was the sole beneficial owner of a loan eligible for any special allowance payment under section
1087–1 of this title.
(ii) Exception Notwithstanding clause (i), a State may elect, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, to waive the requirements of this subparagraph for a new not-for-profit holder determined by the State to be necessary to carry out a public purpose of such State, except that a State may not make such election with respect the requirements of clause (i)(II).
(B) No for-profit ownership or control
(i) In general No State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in paragraph (1)(A), (B), or (C) shall be an eligible not-for-profit holder under this chapter if such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by a for-profit entity.
(ii) Trustees A trustee described in paragraph (1)(D) shall not be an eligible not-for-profit holder under this chapter with respect to a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d), if such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by a for-profit entity.
(C) Sole ownership of loans and income No State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, trustee, or other entity described in paragraph (1)(A), (B), (C), or (D) shall be an eligible not-for-profit holder under this chapter with respect to any loan, or income from any loan, unless
(i) such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is the sole beneficial owner of such loan and the income from such loan; or
(ii) such trustee holds the loan on behalf of a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d), and such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is the sole beneficial owner of such loan and the income from such loan.
(D) Trustee compensation limitations
A trustee described in paragraph (1)(D) shall not receive compensation as consideration for acting as an eligible lender on behalf of a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d), in excess of reasonable and customary fees.
(E) Rule of construction For purposes of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of this paragraph, a State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), regardless of whether such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is an eligible lender under subsection (d), shall not
(i) be deemed to be owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by a for-profit entity; or
(ii) lose its status as the sole owner of a beneficial interest in a loan and the income from a loan,
by such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity, or by the trustee described in paragraph (1)(D), granting a security interest in, or otherwise pledging as collateral, such loan, or the income from such loan, to secure a debt obligation for which such State, political subdivision, authority, agency, instrumentality, or other entity is the issuer of the debt obligation.