(a) The Trade Representative shall designate as a major wine trading country each foreign country, or group of foreign countries represented as an economic union, that, in the judgment of the Trade Representative
(1) is a potential significant market for United States wine; and
(2) maintains tariff barriers or nontariff barriers to (or other distortions of) trade in United States wine.
(b) In deciding, for purposes of subsection (a)(2) of this section, whether a foreign country or group of countries maintains nontariff barriers to (or other distortions of) trade in United States wine, the Trade Representative shall take into account
(1) the review and report required under section 854(a) of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (
19 U.S.C.
2135 note );
(2) such relevant actions that may have been taken by that country or group since that review was conducted; and
(3) such information as may be submitted under section
2805 of this title by representatives of the wine and grape products industries in the United States, as well as other sources.