Consistent with the use of military installations to ensure the preparedness of the Armed Forces, each integrated natural resources management plan prepared under subsection (a) of this section
(1) shall, to the extent appropriate and applicable, provide for
(A) fish and wildlife management, land management, forest management, and fish- and wildlife-oriented recreation;
(B) fish and wildlife habitat enhancement or modifications;
(C) wetland protection, enhancement, and restoration, where necessary for support of fish, wildlife, or plants;
(D) integration of, and consistency among, the various activities conducted under the plan;
(E) establishment of specific natural resource management goals and objectives and time frames for proposed action;
(F) sustainable use by the public of natural resources to the extent that the use is not inconsistent with the needs of fish and wildlife resources;
(G) public access to the military installation that is necessary or appropriate for the use described in subparagraph (F), subject to requirements necessary to ensure safety and military security;
(H) enforcement of applicable natural resource laws (including regulations);
(I) no net loss in the capability of military installation lands to support the military mission of the installation; and
(J) such other activities as the Secretary of the military department determines appropriate;
(3) may stipulate the issuance of special State hunting and fishing permits to individuals and require payment of nominal fees therefor, which fees shall be utilized for the protection, conservation, and management of fish and wildlife, including habitat improvement and related activities in accordance with the integrated natural resources management plan; except that
(A) the Commanding Officer of the installation or persons designated by that Officer are authorized to enforce such special hunting and fishing permits and to collect, spend, administer, and account for fees for the permits, acting as agent or agents for the State if the integrated natural resources management plan so provides, and
(B) the fees collected under this paragraph may not be expended with respect to other than the military installation on which collected, unless the military installation is subsequently closed, in which case the fees may be transferred to another military installation to be used for the same purposes.