10 USC 2601 - General gift funds

(a) General Authority to Accept Gifts.— 
Subject to subsection (d)(2), the Secretary concerned may accept, hold, administer, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of real property, personal property, or money made on the condition that the gift, devise, or bequest be used for the benefit, or in connection with, the establishment, operation, or maintenance, of a school, hospital, library, museum, cemetery, or other institution or organization under the jurisdiction of the Secretary.
(b) Additional Authority to Accept Gifts to Benefit Certain Members, Dependents, and Civilian Employees.— 

(1) Subject to subsection (d)(2), the Secretary concerned may accept, hold, administer, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of real property, personal property, money, or services made on the condition that the gift, devise, or bequest be used for the benefit of
(A) members of the armed forces, including members performing full-time National Guard duty under section 502 (f) of title 32, who incur a wound, injury, or illness while in the line of duty;
(B) civilian employees of the Department of Defense who incur a wound, injury, or illness while in the line of duty;
(C) dependents of such members or employees; and
(D) survivors of such members or employees who are killed.
(2) The Secretary concerned may not accept a gift of services from a foreign government or international organization under this subsection. A gift of real property, personal property, or money from a foreign government or international organization may be accepted under this subsection only if the gift is not designated for a specific individual.
(3) The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations specifying the conditions that may be attached to a gift, devise, or bequest accepted under this subsection.
(c) Gift Funds.— 
Gifts and bequests of money, and the proceeds of the sale of property, received under subsection (a) or (b) shall be deposited in the Treasury in the following accounts:
(1) The Department of the Army General Gift Fund, in the case of deposits made by the Secretary of the Army.
(2) The Department of the Navy General Gift Fund, in the case of deposits made by the Secretary of the Navy.
(3) The Department of the Air Force General Gift Fund, in the case of deposits made by the Secretary of the Air Force.
(4) The Coast Guard General Gift Fund, in the case of deposits made by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
(5) The Department of Defense General Gift Fund, in the case of deposits made by the Secretary of Defense.
(d) Use of Gifts; Prohibitions.— 

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), property and money accepted under subsection (a) or (b) may be used by the Secretary concerned, and services accepted under subsection (b) may be performed, without further specific authorization in law.
(2) Property and money may not be accepted under subsection (a) and property, money, and services may not be accepted under subsection (b)
(A) if the use of the property or money or the performance of the services in connection with any program, project, or activity would result in the violation of any prohibition or limitation otherwise applicable to such program, project, or activity;
(B) if the conditions attached to the property, money, or services are inconsistent with applicable law or regulations;
(C) if the Secretary concerned determines that the use of the property or money or the performance of the services would reflect unfavorably on the ability of the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard, any employee of the Department or Coast Guard, or any member of the armed forces to carry out any responsibility or duty in a fair and objective manner; or
(D) if the Secretary concerned determines that the use of the property or money or the performance of the services would compromise the integrity or appearance of integrity of any program of the Department of Defense or Coast Guard, or any individual involved in such a program.
(3) The Secretary concerned may disburse funds deposited in a gift fund referred to in subsection (c) for the purposes specified in subsections (a) and (b), subject to the terms of the gift, devise, or bequest.
(e) Payment of Expenses.— 
The Secretary concerned may pay all necessary expenses in connection with the conveyance or transfer of a gift, devise, or bequest accepted under this section.
(f) Treatment of Gifts.— 
For the purposes of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, any property or money accepted under subsection (a) and any property, money, or services accepted under subsection (b) shall be considered as a gift, devise, or bequest to or for the use of the United States.
(g) Management of Funds.— 
In the case of each gift fund referred to in subsection (c), the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the request of the Secretary concerned, may retain money, securities, and the proceeds of the sale of securities in the gift fund and may invest money and reinvest the proceeds of the sale of securities in the gift fund in securities of the United States or in securities guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States. The interest and profits accruing from those securities shall be deposited to the credit of the gift fund and may be disbursed as provided in subsection (d).
(h) Comptroller General Review.— 
The Comptroller General shall make periodic audits of gifts, devises, and bequests accepted under subsection (a) or (b) at such intervals as the Comptroller General determines to be warranted. The Comptroller General shall submit to Congress a report on the results of each such audit.
(i) Definitions.— 
In this section:
(1) The term Secretary concerned includes the Secretary of Defense.
(2) The term services includes activities that benefit the morale, welfare, or recreation of members of the armed forces and their dependents or are related or incidental to the conveyance of a gift, devise, or bequest of real property or personal property under subsection (a) or (b).